Not bad.
Hmm... this is interesting. I don't think this song is as original as you might think but that's not to say this song isn't cool. It's just that you're not the first to arrange classical melodies into a synth/metal orchestration, just so you know.
It's close to sounding metal but for now it sounds more like electronica. This is because you're using a MIDI guitar. If I were you, I'd go for the human touch and actually play guitar on this (or hire a guitarist). It would make it so much more epic and add more bass, which is necessary if you want that metal aesthetic. The bass was there but it wasn't that "metal" bass (keep in mind, I was using Bose headphones!)
My favorite part was the groove at 2:16 but I would like the transition to be more subtle (this goes for most of the other transitions too).
I don't know about ending on that Orff quote. Maybe it was because the transition was too direct (and awkward as a result). You can't just go directly into a totally different section without some kind of foreshadowing. It throws off and irritates the listener.
Overall, this song is quite okay. You obviously have a great foundation but with a few major tweaks in production and the arrangement, along with the addition of the human touch, this song could be incredible.